

今天收到朋友寄来的一封email,打开来看,哇!果然好料,是关于交易法则的。仔细阅读之下,发觉这十个交易法则,对处在高风险的股市股友来说, 的确可以起到护航的作用。说穿了,股市其实是一场金钱游戏,唯有掌握它的游戏法则,你才能玩好它。交易法则有如一个国家的法律,违反了它,就会出乱子。许 多交易高手都有自己的一套交易法则,帮助他们在惊涛骇浪的市场中,安然度过万重山。小吕认为,有些交易法则是经过历史的洗礼,千锤百炼,是前辈的心血结 晶,唯有熟悉它,运用它,才能在股市中立于不败之地。


TOP Ten Stock Market Trading Rules

  1. Preservation of capital is absolutely critical.

  2. Set mental stops before taking on every position, and use them to take small losses.

  3. In sideways markets, have both long and short positions in different stocks.

  4. Never buy a stock when it is below its 50-day moving average, and think twice before selling one when it is over its 50-day moving average.

  5. Have a 3:1 risk/reward ratio on every new position. Successful investing means playing the probabilities.

  6. Let the trend be your friend. Don’t fight it.

  7. Technical analysis works; if for no other reason than so many people think it will. Check the charts before making any purchase or sale.

  8. Let your profits run and cut your losses short.

  9. Never average a loss; don’t add to a losing position

  10. Follow the rules. No exceptions.

The above rules have worked wonders for me. Maybe you have your own set of trading rules that you like better. The most important thing is to create a set of rules, to write them down, and to follow them. Otherwise, you can’t learn anything when things don’t go as you expected.

By Dr. Terry


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